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Truth or Perspective

Updated: Jun 11, 2022

The past couple years has been quite interesting particularly when it comes truth; with many people believing they are 100% right and anyone who has a different belief is wrong. This has many times resulted in reverting back to school yard “I'm right and you are wrong” “No I'm right and you are wrong”, followed by each trying to convince the other why they are right, both backing it up with their logic, science & experts. Because of this there have been divisions happening between family and friends.

This got me thinking.

Is there such thing as truth or all our “Truths” just a perspective, ours or someone else's that we resonate and adopt as our “Truth”.

I realized that I could not think of a single thing that I can say with certainty everyone would believe is 100% truth. Some could say what about the sky being blue; colour blind people would very likely disagree with that, to them it wouldn't be blue. Even 1 + 1= 2 would not fit this description, as to some when they think of 1+1 they see 11, why because of their perspective and how they see the world. Does this make 1 person right and another wrong, no; just 2 people seeing and viewing the world in different ways.

How we see the world is shaped by many things, our environment, beliefs, thoughts, friends and family, how and where we were raised, experiences and much more. No 2 people have had the same of these which is why when we hear information or witness things in life our perspective of the situation and information learned could be completely different from others.

There is a saying “If a tree falls in the woods, and 3 people see it you will have 4 different stories, the three people and the trees.”

Because we are all unique and seeing live in a different way than anyone else in a world it would make sense that there really isn't such thing as absolute truth, instead personal truth and perspectives.

I know it can be very frustrating seeing what you believe are things that others do no see and you wonder how they can't see what seems so obvious to you. then these words go through my head "its the program not the person". We all have programs that color how we see the world. Take a deep breath and try not to get too frustrated, which yes I know is easier some days than others. We are all here on a different journey, with different personal truths, which is OK, I suggest not trying to change theirs and hopefully they will do the same

Imagine how different the world & difficult relationships would be if we respected each others personal truth; listening with an open heart and mind. And when someones perspective is different than yours, respect it and the person, knowing everyone is seeing the world through different lens

here is the link to watch the video

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