If someone said to you; there is a shirt that would fit everyone like it was custom made to fit all their bodies and they would love it.
I'm guessing you would say what a load of bunk.
Yet when you think about it we live in a one size fits all society and accept this as truth. We accept this in the education system; believing we all learn in the same way, health system; that all symptoms are the same things, diets; that all our bodies need and thrive with the same diet, best exercise; that one type of exercise is perfect for everyone, and the life grocery list of what we should do and achieve in life with a timeline attached.
If there is no “one size fits all” shirt how could their possibly be a one size fits all in other more complex areas.
How people think and learn is individual to everyone. Some people are more visual, others learn through doing, some people who learn from hearing things, and others a combination of them all. Yet we currently have and accept an education system that teaches in one way, where some thrive and others struggle.
Our body shapes are all diverse, and our health even more complex. We are all individuals, with experiences, thoughts & beliefs unique to us, all that affect our health. So if we are all unique, with a variety of factors contributing to our health, why then are we put into a box given stats, based on age and symptoms and accept that one treatment will work for everyone or that a person who shares symptoms and age with others all have the same issue; one size fits all.
Though the years we have all grown up hearing that this diet or exercise is the best for everyone, that certain foods are perfect for everyone, another one size fits all myth. Yet when we start listening to our bodies we learn this is not so, each body is asking for and needing different things. In my family alone, we are on a variety of different probiotics because our bodies are asking for and needing different nutrient requirements. I was also recently reading about coconut oil, which I love, and how it can be very beneficial for kidney health and nutrient absorption, so I thought great this would be perfect for my dad. However when it was muscle tested, his body said no. The same applies for exercise. There are some exercises my both thrives on and loves and others that are “supposed” to be great for everyone, that have me in pain and my body protesting, very loudly saying this was not for me.
And then there is the life grocery list, get a good post secondary education, find a life partner, get married, buy a house, have kids and eventually retire, usually with acceptable ages by which time this should happen.
My question is why? Why should we want this and achieve this and be looked down upon if we do this in a different order, omit some things or do things at a completely different age. How can we as a society possible believe that with so many diverse people that this is what everyone should want and do, live the exact same life with a few slight variations.
Many have come to believe and accept that one size fits all, not questioning it. Some people have stepped out of this box, taking their own path, which I can say from experience is not always the easiest road to travel, however comes with so much true joy. I very much applaud those who have done this.
If you are accepting a one size fits all in some area of your life, and it is not bringing your joy, I suggest you ask yourself why are you continuing to wear something that doesn't fit you. Maybe it is time to shed that shirt and find one that fits better. It may take awhile to find that perfect fit, and with time as you evolve and change that shirt may continue need to be changed but at least you would know that you are living the life that you truly desire, not one that you were told you should want, accepting that one size fits all, when you knew in your heart, it didn't fit you.
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