We as a planet are currently undergoing so many changes that sometimes it can take a toll on us, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Sometimes our energy gets a bit low.
This is a technique I learned many years ago that can support your immune system, enhance strength & vitality and boost your natural rhythm.
Just tap the points in the picture below, as many times as you feel you need to. Try this whenever you feel your energy is lagging. Try doing daily and if you feel guided to do more feel free

I also had an experience recently when my spirit left me. I was gassing up my vehicle in Sylvan and all of the sudden I felt really peculiar. I felt nauseous, tired, ungrounded, and floaty. It started all the sudden. I felt like I was on this earth but not completely. I was walking sideways, falling backwards as I standing like someone pushed me, almost like I was drunk. Luckily we had an appointment with our holistic practitioner, who shared by spirit had left me, and that many people were experiencing this and it could be linked to 5G. So it was suggested that I call my spirit back, ask it to stay and do the above tapping to help. All 3 together helped immensely.
We have everything we need within us if we are willing to listen to the messages and intuitive hits we receive. There is nothing outside us. This is a tool that we can use to enhance our experience on this planet.
Remember no two people are alike so what works for one person will not necessarily work for everyone. If you are guided to change it and adjust the process feel free to do so, no one knows what is best for you or is affected by your decisions than you.
Sending much love and light
Empowering Balance