Something that many people look forward to in Spring is gardening and flowers. Just being around flowers, the energy and bright beautiful colors can bring much joy. As I was doing a video about this I could see and feel my energy and happiness increase. I believe this is from being in the energy of these beautiful flowers, something that lights up my life.
What many people do not realize is that every plant and flower have different energetic properties and can be used for their well being.
Petunia's energetic properties include; increasing fun, joy, and laughter, connecting you to the fairies, resolving conflict, and easing communication.
Associated Archangels:
Associated Chakras:
Petunia's bring joy and laughter to everyone, making them a great plant to put around your home. They help defuse tension and encourage better communication. All flowers are associated with fairies, Petunias have a deeper connection with them than most. Petunia's are also strongly associated with Archangel Gabriel, a great archangel to call on for help with physical Healing
Message from Petunia:
“The time for more play, laughter, and fun is now! Let me release the heavy energy of arguments and conflict that is standing in the way of your joy. I love bringing happiness to all those who are willing to receive it. Imagine how much more energy you'd have if you had more fun. That is why I'm here: to help usher in lighthearted energy so you can enjoy every moment of everyday. I also improve communication and help you express yourself in positive ways.”
Sending love and light

Empowering Balance
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