I learned this breathing technique while taking a Ho'oponopono Course. Ho'oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian method of clearing data from your subconscious, so that it is no longer affecting you in the present. Getting you back to a zero, neutral place, so you can start creating and living life free of old data.
Ha Breathing does many things, one is to shut the doors in your mind. Your mind is like a hotel hallway with all the doors open and no numbers and you are trying to find your room. During life these “doors” in our mind can get opened for many reasons. When you are doing Ha breathing you are shutting the doors that your mind would otherwise wander into, and get lost
It has also been found beneficial with
*preventing jet lag
*help babies settle down
*release earthbound spirits
*mental confusion
*Alzheimers (shuts doors so minds don't wander and get lost)
What is Ha Breathing
It is a process to infuse yourself with Divine, to pull in the energy of divinity (not oxygen) into your being. The purpose of Ha breathing is to breathe spiritually, to get at the data no longer serving. This is done for the soul. When your soul is cleared of this data your body will copy it.
Important Note:
When doing this breathing let inspiration to guide you, if you are guided to change a the hand position, mentally say something instead of counting to 10 (I say Love you, I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you) do less rounds; absolutely do it. This process is a starting off point, adjust as inspired to.
The only exception is you must hold breath in between inhale or exhale. Doing this gives your body and energy time to shift, which is essential
How Do you do Ha Breathing
Sit up straight in a chair with your back against it, feet planted on the floor to include mother earth
Put you hands on your thighs, palms up, thumbs and pointer fingers touching, other fingers extended
Set intention of when you breathe you including family, relatives, and ancestors to the beginning of creation, for all the generations before you clearing whatever is back there
You can close your eyes if you are inspired to
Inhale counting to 10 at the speed best for you. As we inhale we cancel data, entities, earthbound spirits, space beings, and negative vibrations from your mental computer bank
Hold breath for count of 10
Exhale for a count of 10
Hold breath for a count of 10
Do 10 rounds of this, in this process 10 means completion
More In Depth Information
When doing the hand position for this mentioned above, the thumbs up represents infinite in you and pointer fingers you and divinity as one
Doing this breathing while near or in buildings can settle the energy of the building, as well as clear out entities and earthbound spirits, which would be extremely beneficial for hospitals. When you do this breathing this allows you to erase the memory of the soul (earthbound spirit) so it can go back into the light.
How to Use to Prevent Jet Lag
For each hour of travelling do breathing, when sitting in terminal do 10 rounds or 20 whatever needed, will help with jet lag and you will be fine when you land your body will feel as if it has never left
If you are going to be on an airplane for 5 hours, do 1 round for each hour and you will be fine.

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