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Earthing; Utilizing the Healing Power of the Earth


Like electronics we have an electrical system, we always ground our electronics as to not fry its system, yet never think to do this to ourselves. In the past this was not an issue as people walked around barefoot or with leather bottomed shoes. Then rubber was invented, a cheap way to make shoes, and with it came the loss of our connection to the earth and it's healing power as the energy can not flow through rubber to us. This resulted in health issues for people.

The earth is a source of natural healing energy. Many people have found that earthing helps with pain, inflammation, improvement in health, energy and sleep.

Tapping into the healing power of the earth is so easy to do, all you have to do is take off your shoes and put your bare feet on the earth. You could also put your bare hands on the earth if you prefer. Grass, dirt, sand, concrete, stone, trees, these will all work. I know some people do not like walking barefoot or touching the earth with their bare hands, you could also earth by sitting on the ground, making sure the clothing you are wearing is 100% cotton, hemp, or leather, any natural not man made fibre and you will still get the benefits of earthing.

click here for my videos on grounding

It is suggested that you ground for 30 minutes daily to get full benefits. However I suggest some people start with 5 minutes, especially if their health is in a more fragile state or they are on multiple medications. Start slow and work your way up to 30 minutes or more, listen to your intuition and body as they are great tools to let you know what it wants.

When you earth your body starts to return to its natural rhythm. If you are on medications please work closely with your health care provider as the conditions you were experiencing that lead to medication can balance themselves, resulting in the need for lower doses of your medication. In the book “Earthing” by Clinton Ober, he includes a section talking about this so if you are interested in learning more I suggest giving his book a read.

Now anyone who lives in Canada knows that earthing in the winter can cause a bit of a challenge, very few people want to take their boots or mitts off in the winter and put them on the snowy ground for 30 minutes. Luckily there is a way to still ground in the winter, with grounding products like sheets, wrist bands, mats and pads you put on your body or under your body.

I have use wristbands, pads and grounding sheets and love them all. Be aware if you are using grounding sheets under your sheets, you will be earthing all night, not just 30 minutes. You can either sleep right on the grounding sheet or put sheets made of 100% natural fibre like cotton over them. The more skin that touches the sheets the better, or again a natural fibre is recommended. These sheets are plugged into the ground part of the outlet or you can get a rod where you run it out of your house and hammer the rob right into the ground.

I am very much about prevention and this is one of the tools that I use to keep my body glowing and heal and regenerate itself.

For more resources about earthing I would recommend reading Clintons book and watching the documentary called “The Earthing Movie” (I watched it on youtube)

Enjoy your grounding.

Sending love and light

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