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Cut the Chemicals

Updated: May 19, 2022

Many people are conscious of what they put in their mouth yet few consider what they put on their skin or are breathing in. This is something I am very passionate about sharing my knowledge with as it is something I have experienced and would like to help others avoid.

In my 20's I had a massive skin issue, the skin on my hands were cracking, bleeding, inflamed and in pain much of the time. I never connected it to what I was putting on my body, the personal care products, cleaners, laundry detergent, all of this was taxing my liver to a point where it could not handle it any more that the only way my body could get rid of them was through the skin.

Since then I have dramatically reduced the chemicals in my life and have experienced a dramatic improvement in my skin, and no longer have issues with my liver. Occasionally I have a flare up on my skin when I come into contact with a chemical from a new source, but I know that my body can handle it and that I am not over taxing it.

I also have a sister who's kidneys, another of the bodies filtration organs, got overtaxed from chemicals, that also negatively impacted her health. So my family is very vigilant about what we are putting on our bodies and look for signs that something in a new product we are using may have hidden ones

Our skin is our bodies biggest organ, so whatever you are putting on it is getting absorbed by it going into our body. Where most people are getting chemicals are from

*personal care products (shampoo, conditioner, body wash, perfume, lotions)

*laundry soap, dryer sheets


*dish soap something many people are eating and not even knowing it

*air fresheners

When we wash and dry our clothes in chemicals, these chemicals sit on our skin 24/7 being absorbed into our body. There are many times when people have left our house and we can smell their laundry detergent or body wash for hours after they are gone. If the scent lingers for that long imagine what is happening to the body and skin that is wearing it.

Looking at the ingredients is a great place to start to cut the chemicals, the fewer the ingredients the better. Here are a couple websites that you can go to to check out the toxicity of ingredients in the products you are currently using

These are just a couple sites, if you search toxic ingredients more will come up. The great thing is that there are many products available today.

Another way to see if a product has toxins in it or weakens your body is to do muscle testing. There are many ways to do this, I will quickly share 1.

*Stand with feet hip width apart.

*Hold something that you know is good for you like a vegetable to your heart, your body will naturally move towards it

*then hold something that is not great for your body like pop, your body will naturally move away from it

*once you have established how to tell what your body like and doesn't like try testing with products, generally your body will move away and tilt back from the product that is not good for your body.

I use

*coconut oil or MCT oil for body lotions, I find MCT doesn't stain the sheets and clothes like coconut oil does

*vinegar, hydrogen (specific kind) & water & theives household cleaner for cleaners

*rocky mountain soap for me

*thieves toothpaste for my teeth

*unscented laundry detergent & the least chemical loaded I could find (eco max from Canadian tire)

*diffuse essential oils for air cleaning, purification by young living is great for freshening the year

*coconut oil as a makeup remover

*baking soda and vinegar to clean the tub

*dryer balls, you can use an essential oil in the dryer

*blue solar water, distilled water, liquid vitamin C, MCT, X Factor and essential oils for face spray toner

*carina organics for shampoo

I am still trying to find a good natural eyeliner and mascara, that is a good price as well as natural.

I do realize that going chemical free can be more costly. To stretch out shampoo and conditioner add water, a tiny pea size dab is all that is needed for toothpaste, just do the best you can. Figure out what works best for you, and try to avoid things that say fragrance when possible

Many people have noticed a difference when they started reducing chemicals in how they felt, and reduction in skin issues and more.

Try reducing your toxins today and see how your wellness can change

here is the link to watch the video

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