Ho'oponopono is about taking complete responsibility for everything in your life, it is in your data. If it is in your life, you are the one who needs to clean the situation/data not anyone else. If a person in your life if very angry, YOU need to clean on it not them. Something I love about Ho'oponopono is that when someone “Cleans” on a person, situation, experience, etc you are cleaning it not only from yourself but also everyone and everything past and present who have this data as well.
Cleaners are used to clear Data, things in your conscious & subconscious that can affect your daily life.
Imagine that you have a white board, it is filled with data, thoughts, beliefs, experiences, people in your life, past, present, future, etc. Then try to draw/create something on that board. This would be very difficult. If you “Clean” the board, erase that data, and start on a blank white board it is much easier to create in this space. Of course if you continue to draw on the White Board, never “cleaning” it you will have a board full of “data” again.
Cleaners help you to clean the data, to help you reach Zero. At Zero you are free, whole, complete..
Here are 9 foods that are cleaners and what they can be used for. Remember you do not have to eat them, just be in their energy.
Ginger Snaps:
*helps to activate all other cleaning tools
*cleaning abilities embody the perfect union of ancient, present & future memories
*helps keep us healthy & prevent danger
*excellent for use on long travels to prevent catastrophe
Coconut Oil:
*helps our vibration level become more closely aligned with the divine awareness
*guides your path to put you in the right place at the right time
*helps you follow inspiration from Divine rather than working from memory
Pine Nuts:
*represents the physical form of Ho'oponopono
*represents our conscious & subconscious existence creating our life, which is in bloom
*cleans on the physical richness of our earth and opens the channels to allow the flow of abundance to come forth
Vanilla Ice Cream
*regarded as one of the highest elements of all the food cleaning tools
*brings about peace in our physical lives
*its focus is to bring positivity to our health, abundance/wealth and great spiritual awareness
*cleans on mothers earth.
*focuses not only on the destruction, but all the past memory/data that happened at the location where you have them
*gently separates toxic energies of all kinds
*separation of these toxic energies is done in a very peaceful way as not to cause you more pain
*toxic energies are paired down into pure energy, transmuting to a state of zero
*these pure energies are then available to the Divine for later use
*tremendous effect on cleaning karmic blocks and memories
*karmic memories have a tendency to attract, making it difficult for you to move on
*allows these 2 things to pass by each other smoothly, making them easier to clean one-on-one rather than combined
Crystal Necklaces and Palm Crystals are available for purchase that hold all the frequencies of all the cleaners I am aware of. A simple way to keep these "Cleaners" in your energy field to Clean on data.
For more information email: empoweringbalance@live.ca or Text ONLY 403-392-6885