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Blue Solar Water

Updated: Mar 23, 2022

What is Blue Solar Water?

It is a technique used as a “Cleaner” to help you release data, memories, earthbound spirits, and entities that could be negatively be impacting your life. By releasing these it gets you back to “Zero” and is like you are creating and living with a clean slate.

How do you make Solar Water?

*get a blue glass bottle, do NOT use a metal lid

*fill with tap, distilled, or filtered water, whichever you are inspired to use

*put it in the sun or under an incandescent light for 1 hour

NOTE: longer does not mean stronger

*when it is done drink

Putting the water in a blue glass bottle in the sun or under an incandescent light allows the divine to take our any memory or toxins that are not correct for you and infuse it with rainbow colors and whatever is perfect for you. When you drink it you are hydrating your body as well as “cleaning” the data. This water energetically goes to your subconscious before the cells.

Can others drink your solar water?

It is best that people make their own solar water so it is infused with what they need. If you are inspired to share your Blue Solar Water with others, absolutely feel free to do so, especially children, pets & plants, who may not be able to make their own. I believe the body takes what it needs, and any Blue Solar Water is better than none. Always be sure to tap in and do that which you are inspired to do.

Ways to use Blue Solar Water

*drink it straight

*put in a spray bottle and use as an energetic cleaning spray

*put a drop in your dish water

*put a drop in your laundry

*put a drop in your personal care products, ie shampoo, conditioner, body water,

*put a drop in your bathwater

*add to water your give to plants and pets

*put in smoothies, soups, hot beverages, any food and drink

*spray on tires before going on a trip

*spray on self when having emotional upset

*put a drop on your toothpaste

*get creative, use in any way you are inspired to do

Apple Cider Vinegar Blue Solar Water

You can also combine a high concentration of apple cider vinegar with a small amount of Blue Solar water.

Place a small drop under your tongue or add to other foods and liquids

This helps create a full spectrum shield, similar to putting on a spiritual helmet that protects your mind from thoughts not in her highest and best, meaning you are less likely to bring this data/experiences into your life.

Very important to always remember to come from a space of inspiration. Do things you are inspired to do, if this does not resonate with you, do not do it.

Sending love and light

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