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Energetic Cleaning With Objects

With Spring for many comes spring cleaning. Another way we can clean is doing energetic cleaning.

While taking a Ho'oponopono Course, an Ancient Hawaiian Healing technique I learned about “Cleaners”. Ho'oponopono is about taking complete responsibility for everything in your life, it is in your data. If it is in your life, you are the one who needs to clean the situation/data not anyone else. If a person in your life if very angry, YOU need to clean on it not them. Something I love about Ho'oponopono is that when someone “Cleans” on a person, situation, experience, etc you are cleaning it not only from yourself but also everyone and everything past and present who have this data as well.

Cleaners are used to clear Data, things in your conscious & subconscious that can affect your daily life.

Imagine that you have a white board, it is filled with data, thoughts, beliefs, experiences, people in your life, past, present, future, etc. Then try to draw/create something on that board. This would be very difficult. If you “Clean” the board, erase that data, and start on a blank white board it is much easier to create in this space. Of course if you continue to draw on the White Board, never “cleaning” it you will have a board full of “data” again.

Cleaners help you to clear the data, to help you reach Zero. At Zero you are free, whole, complete..

I learned many ways to “Clean” and will share a couple. Tap into your Divine Wisdom and see which ones resonate with you.

I have already shared about Blue Solar Water. Click links below to learn more

Today's “Cleaner” is a Pencil Eraser.

How to Clean with a Pencil Eraser:

*any pencil works as long as it has an eraser on the end

*start by cleansing the pencil

-do this by holding the pencil and mentally saying “dewdrop” this only needs to be once

-while mentally saying dewdrop visualize a perfect single drop on the pencil: this will prepare it for cleaning

*you can either visualize or physically place the eraser end of the pencil on a problem, situation object or specific person. I like to write the issue on a piece of paper and tap on it when I am doing other things or mentally in my head have the pencil tapping.

*there are no limitations to its use, get creative and do what inspired to do

Tonight I was inspired to write the name of some cleaners on an envelope in red (I always use red ink pens when writing). Then wrote down the data I wanted to clean on and put them in the envelope then tapped them with an pencil eraser, physically & visually. You never know when Divine Inspiration will occur sharing new creative ways to use Cleaning tools

Another Objects that is Cleaning Tool

*Down Filled Pillows

-sleeping or resting a head on a down filled pillow is a cleaning tool that helps to expand your consciousness

-opens our awareness to the constant expansion of the universe

-comforts our inner spirit & cleans on the data/memory that represents the more horrific side of human nature

-focuses strongly on guilt, depression, resentment and oppression

Sending Love and Light

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