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Do What You Love; Daily

Updated: Jun 30, 2022

From the time we are little we are programmed to fill our lives with shoulds. Things we “should” do consume our day and time, often putting the things we love to do on the shelf, many times not bringing us joy.

Imagine what a shift could occur in our lives if we started incorporating things we love daily. It doesn't have to be some big grande time consuming thing either. Try doing something you love for even 5 minutes a day, and see what happens. Play around with starting your day with something you love, ending your day with something you love, or when something happens to put you in a down spiral, do something you love.

When we are doing things we love, it has a ripple effect, on our body soul and spirit. This ripple can not only affect us but those around us as well. If we are happier, more joyful, in a state of love and bliss, this is the vibration and frequency we are putting out to the world, attracting more of the same in the form of people and experiences into our lives. Think of how doing things you love and bring you joy could impact your loved ones, and spread this love to them as well.

When we do things we love we show up in life in a whole new way and the potential for amazing things to happen greatly increases.

Think of something you love to do and take note of how you feel just thinking about it. If that is what you feel just thinking about it then, imagine the impact and how amazing it would feel to actual do what you love.

As I was making the wellness wednesday video I shared what I love doing, creating flower pots. As I was sharing this love of mine, I could feel myself light up from the inside out, getting excited and happy about being able to do what I love soon.

So if it resonates with you give it a try. Do something you love daily for a month and see the difference it makes. You just never know what amazing things can happen and how greatly things can change in a positive way when you start doing what you love

Sending love and light

Empowering Balance

Experience the Power of Sound & Your Voice

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