A method of healing all kinds of physical and a mental diseases without medicine, side effects, pain or touch. Energy present in the universe is used for the treatment of human aura (bio-plasmic body). It is believed that disease first manifests in aura and then in the physical body, so cleansing and energizing the aura heals. By cleansing aura, diseased energy, germs and viruses get swept away from the body and the holes and cracks in outer aura can be sealed to stop leakage of energy--- pran-shakti--. At the same time we can strengthen the aura. No special skill or educational background is required to learn.
Course Outline:
Exercises for lifting diaphragm, Pranic breathing, Sensitizing hands,
Invocation, Feeling Aura, Understanding Chakra system, Scanning for detecting congestion-depletion or energetic deficiency, Sweeping--- General& Local, Cleansing the Chakras, Increasing Receptivity, Energizing, stabilizing, Cutting cord. Tween Heart meditation
Fees: $200 Class Time: eight hours