Reiki is a simple holistic method of natural healing, known as Japanese hands on healing. It is pronounced as ray-kee. Rei means universal or cosmic and ki means energy. It can be described as bio-energy or pran-shakti. This energy exists everywhere in the universe and flows through each of us. This is the energy used for healing without any side effects. It blends with all other therapies and enhances their benefits.
Dr. Oz stated in one of his shows that: "Energy Medicine is The Next Big Thing." ...and that: "Energy Medicine is the future of all medicine." He allowed a reiki master to perform Reiki on a patient during open-heart surgery in an operating room!!!
The Reiki News Magazine published by International Center for Reiki Training (USA) reports Reiki is in use at the National Institute of Health. Some M.D doctors, pediatricians, nurses and paramedics use Reiki in their practice. In about 1200 hospitals Reiki is in use as complimentary therapy. In Canada Reiki is in use in Toronto and Kingston hospitals.
Reiki helps all acute, chronic, degenerative and psychosomatic disorders with profound results, since it works at all the levels of being: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual; it brings balance of energy flow throughout the body. Body regains it’s natural rhythm to heal by itself. In many cases where medicine does not have helped, Reiki has helped. Even in some medically unexplained problems, reiki has helped people. Immediate effects of Reiki treatment are pain relief, stress release, smooth breathing, lightness of body and calmness of mind. It works at root cause of the problem. Reiki helps to minimize the side effects of medicines, radiation and chemotherapy. It is good for pre-surgery to cop up with daily routine and pain relief. It strengthens the immune system. It is good for post-surgery for fast recovery and rehabilitation; reduces the need of pain medicine and improves sleep. Reiki works at the cellular level memory. So it is good for stroke, accidents and traumas. It can help heal blocks, phobias, abuse issues, addiction and grief. Reiki can be helpful for fertility, pregnancy and childbirth also. Reiki can help children with ADHD, Autism Down syndrome, aspergers, sensory integration disorder, anxiety, concentration, behavior issues, socially connecting problem.
Reiki is excellent for plants and animals also.
During the treatment the client rests comfortably on massage table fully clothed. Soft Music gets played. The Therapist lays hands on the body or slightly above the body parts. The client may feel heat, cold or tingling sensations. Most of the time client falls asleep during treatment
Healing & Health Center

Calgary, Alberta, Canada