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Indian Head & Foot Massage With Time For Self

Indian Head Massage is a relaxing and rejuvenating treatment. This head massage has physical and psychological benefits. Work is done on the shoulders, upper back, upper arms, neck, scalp and face, which provides a de-stressing program for the entire body. The treatment also involves balancing of the top three chakras or energy centers bringing forth a feeling of inner peace and well-being.

You will be seated comfortably, fully clothed, in a chair. Your shoulders, upper back, upper arms, neck, scalp and face will be treated to wonderful techniques that will promote circulation and relaxation. The final technique is an energy balancing of the top three chakras or energy centers. The oil facilitates the removal of loose dandruff and revitalizes hair making it more manageable, healthy and lustrous.

Optional: Ayurvedic Hair Oil applied to your scalp and hair has been chosen, the oil will be added at the end of the session.

Indian Foot Massage with “Marma” therapy is a beautiful and relaxing modality, which balances the body, mind and spirit. This unique treatment involves the use of ghee (clarified butter) and a small copper bowl. It is deeply revitalizing for tired feet and legs and, as the feet contains key energy and nerve endings relating to all organs of the body; it also helps re-balance the entire body. The treatment involves vigorously rubbing the soles of the feet with the bowl to draw out heat and toxins, thereby inducing relaxation. The treatment begins with some relaxing foot and leg moves. Slowly and methodically the toes, feet, ankles and calves are helped to relax. It continues with special moves performed with the copper bowl. Afterwards hot moist towels are used to remove ghee and the session ends with reflexology and gentle foot massage techniques.

Time For Self

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