Energetic Properties:
*energetic protection
*strengthening & repairing aura
Associated Archangels:
Associated Chakras
*Third Eye
Healing Description
Geranium helps heal damage to your auric field. These “breaks” in the aura can be due to a number of things, such as binge drinking, taking drugs, being in negative environments, and being surrounded by negative people. You also damage your aura by forcing yourself to continue with something you have no passion for. Geranium is able to heal all the effects of these situations. However, the energy of this flower cautions you not to abuse its power. Please don't stay n these situations while continually relying on Flower Therapy to clean up the mess.
Messages From Geranium
“You've been allowing your energy to expand too far. It's time for you to bring yourself back to center. Let's return your aura to good working order. Your aura was neglected in the past, but now I'm strengthening it so you'll be protected energetically. I can help repair damage that's been done and make your energy field as good as new. Your natural state of vitality and energy will increase and you'll enjoy each and every day. When you wake up in the morning, you'll jump out of bed, eager to great the day ahead of you.”
Energies have been quite crazy the last few years particularly the 2022 I have found. So protecting your energy and boosting your aura is quite important. For those who do not know what an aura is, it is the energy field surrounding your body that can get weaken and get holes in it which can affect you in different ways.
I have had many energy episodes where I am affected by others energies or have entities attach themselves to me, so I have much personal experience with how important protecting your energy is. Hanging out with a geranium, the picture or flower essence are great ways to help with this
here is the link for the video on geranium as well as a flower card with a message https://t.me/LandL369/89
Sending you much love and light
Empowering Balance
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